If you've installed FastNetMon previously and you would like to try our product again you can activate your existing installation using new trial key.
To accomplish it you will need to request new trial coupon using this link. After around 30 seconds you will receive email with trial activation key in format:
sudo ./installer -activation_coupon XXXXXX
You just need to copy long coupon activation key XXXXXX for next steps.
Then you need to run following commands:
wget https://install.fastnetmon.com/installer -Oinstaller
sudo chmod +x installer
sudo ./installer -activate_coupon -activation_coupon
It case of successful activation you will see following output:
Will log all installation process details into file: /tmp/fastnetmon_install_22825.log
Installer build git version is: ... build time is: ...
I'll try activation for
Will use IP address a.b.c.d for coupon activation
Correctly activated license for your coupon code
In case of any issues / alerts you will need to contact our support using this link.
After successful activation you will need to restart FastNetMon:
sudo fcli commit
And then check license status:
sudo fcli show license